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Affichage de 17128 résultats
Description archivistique
Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) (1955-present)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs (DESA) (1955-present)
Department of Economic Affairs (1946-1955)
Department of Economic Affairs (1946-1955)
Office of the Assistant Secretary-General
Office of the Assistant Secretary-General
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - correspondence
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - correspondence
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - reports of James Keen
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - reports of James Keen
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - Economic Commission for Europe [ECE] - background
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - Economic Commission for Europe [ECE] - background
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - Economic Commission for Europe [ECE] - Administrative Assistant's file
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - Economic Commission for Europe [ECE] - Administrative Assistant's file
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - Economic Council of Europe [ECE] - weekly reports
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - Economic Council of Europe [ECE] - weekly reports
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - Eugene Castillo report on economic development and expansion of Latin America and South America
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - Eugene Castillo report on economic development and expansion of Latin America and South America
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - FAO meeting in Rome - report by G. Frumkin
Assistant Secretary-General David Owen - FAO meeting in Rome - report by G. Frumkin