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Affichage de 51 résultats

Description archivistique
Sound Recordings
S-0512 · Série organique · 1945 - 1971
Fait partie de Secretary-General U Thant (1961-1971)

Series consists of audio recorded speeches and statements given by U Thant at United Nations meetings and while visiting countries universities ceremonies and other official functions (and by other speakers as noted). Also included are recordings produced by broadcasters and private individuals. Extent is 93 audio reels (ca. 112 hr.). Most are 7 reels recorded at 3-3-4 ips (inches per second). Copyright restrictions may apply please consult the archivist. Arranged chronologically.

Tributes and Gifts
S-0551 · Série organique · 1947 - 1974
Fait partie de Secretary-General U Thant (1961-1971)

Series consists of a variety of tributes and gifts from sources worldwide to Secretary-General U Thant. Items include honorary certificates, drawings, scrolls, photographs, a wood relief, books, sound recordings, special boxes, and a flag, among others. Certificates are arranged chronologically; the remainder by record or object type.

Locations - Boxes 1 to 2 are at Q323-R011-SU5 boxes 3 to 9 (oversize) are shelved at Q323-R011-SU1

S-0845 · Série organique · 1959 - 1964
Fait partie de Secretary-General U Thant (1961-1971)

Series consists of United Nations Operation in the Congo records of both Secretaries-General Hammarskjold (1953-1961) and U Thant. U Thant became Acting Secretary-General on 3 November 1961 he was appointed Secretary-General on 30 November 1962. The records were created in the course of political military and support activities relating to peacekeeping operations in the Congo during this period. In addition to subject files there is a set of Secretary-General Hammarskjold's correspondence with member states pertaining to the problems in the Congo. After his accidental airplane death in the Congo on 18 September 1961 interim officials including Acting Secretary-General U Thant kept subsequent Congo records files with Hammarskjold's. Included is Secretary-General U Thant's correspondence with member states pertaining to the problems in the Congo. In addition there is a set of U Thant's clear cables. Boxes 1 to 6 of this series are Hammarkskjold records while boxes 7 to 12 are U Thant records. Arranged in various sets of files as follows - correspondence and cables (to September 1961) correspondence with member states (to September 1961) then a set of 10 files on unrest, incidents etc. (14 July 1960 to 19 June 1961) Secretary-General U Thant's country files (predominantly to 1963) some of U Thant's subject files and his clear cables (November 1961 to June 1964).

S-0849 · Série organique · 1960 - 1963
Fait partie de Secretary-General U Thant (1961-1971)

Administrative history The United Nations Advisory Committee on the Congo held its first meeting on 24 August 1960 it was dissolved after 23 April 1963. Chaired by the Secretary-General, with members from Canada, Ceylon, Ethiopia, Federation of Malaya, Ghana, Guinea, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Liberia, Mali, Morocco, Nigeria, Pakistan, Senegal, Sudan, Sweden, Tunisia, and the United Arab Republic. Immediately after Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjold's death of 18 September 1961 Mr. Barnes of Liberia served as the chair. Acting Secretary-General U Thant began serving on the 17 November 1961.

Series consists of bound volumes of photostats of the minutes of the Advisory Committee on the Congo, originally the copies of Mr. Labouisse. Arranged in two sets, one in English, one in French, and within each set chronologically.

Conditions of access Series was originally classified confidential now declassified.

S-0852 · Série organique · 1957 - 1974
Fait partie de Secretary-General U Thant (1961-1971)

Series consists of the personnel case files of top echelon staff the responsibility of the Secretary-General. The files served as biographical files as well as administrative files. Records vary widely including correspondence and code cables handwritten notes programs press statements newspaper clippings etc. Arranged alphabetically by case file.

Security Council and Other Organs
S-0853 · Série organique · 1962 - 1971
Fait partie de Secretary-General U Thant (1961-1971)

Series consists of the Secretary-General's correspondence and other supporting records concerning the Security Council, the Trusteeship Council, the Economic and Social Council, and the International Court of Justice. The few files are arranged in the preceding order.

Specialized Agencies
S-0854 · Série organique · 1962 - 1972
Fait partie de Secretary-General U Thant (1961-1971)

Series contains correspondence (with heads of the organizations), reports, speeches, press releases, etc., relating to the Secretary-General's involvement with the specialized agencies of the United Nations. Arranged alphabetically by name.

S-0855 · Série organique · 1953 - 1972
Fait partie de Secretary-General U Thant (1961-1971)

Series consists of records relating to the position of the Secretary-General, and to a variety of administrative matters such reporting and budgeting, oversight of departments and units, reorganization of the Secretariat, staff matters, building matters, and related. Arranged in two broad categories, the Secretary-General position, then all others, and within these alphabetically by file title.

General Assembly
S-0856 · Série organique · 1953 - 1971
Fait partie de Secretary-General U Thant (1961-1971)

Series consists of the Secretary-General's General Assembly supporting files, containing correspondence, handwritten notes, minutes of meetings, transcripts of press conferences, a seating chart, etc. Correspondents include the presidents of the General Assembly. Arranged in General Assembly session number order (16th Session through 26th Session), followed by a set of misscellaneous files (e.g., presentation of credentials by Permanent Representatives), and therein chronologically.

Subsidiary Bodies
S-0857 · Série organique · 1960 - 1972
Fait partie de Secretary-General U Thant (1961-1971)

Series relates to the Secretary-General's involvement with the subsidiary bodies of the United Nations, e.g., the Office of the High Commissioner for Refugees, UNICEF, etc. Worldwide issues and problems are well documented in this series of records. Included are correspondence, handwritten notes, speeches, minutes of meetings, press releases, etc. Arranged in no particular order.