Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Office (HACO), Demobilization and Reintegration Unit
The Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Office (HACO) was established by the United Nations Department of Humanitarian Affairs (DHA) to support the Humanitarian Coordinator based in Monrovia. The Humanitarian Coordinator was appointed by the Secretary-General and reported to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Liberia (SRSG). The Office’s Demobilization and Reintegration Unit assisted in coordinating the efforts of United Nations agencies involved in relief and resettlement activities and the provision of assistance to demobilizing soldiers.
The files for the Demobilization and Reintegration Unit include concept papers and plans generated by the Unit, the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), and the World Health Organization concerning disarmament, demobilization, reintegration, lessons learned, child soldiers, the impact of the Liberian conflict on women and children, and health care services for demobilized soldiers.
There are also records of the Disarmament, Demobilization, and Reintegration Task Force, which was comprised of representatives of UNOMIL, United Nations agencies, NGOs, and the Liberian government, as well as donors to the Task Force. The records include terms of reference, working papers, and meeting minutes concerning: demobilization and reintegration of child soldiers; the demobilization process and policies; obtaining and distributing humanitarian aid; and providing education, medical assistance, and food for demobilized soldiers.
Also present are records of the Unit’s Technical Committee, which provided administrative and management assistance to the Unit. These records include memoranda about the time frame of the demobilization process and a glossary created by the Committee to supplement the Unit’s working papers.
In addition, the records contain statistics on demobilized soldiers and site reports concerning the demobilization process, sanitation, water needs, medical operations, and security. Other reports generated by HACO concern faction compliance with the implementation of the Abuja Agreement of 19 August 1995, UNICEF involvement in demobilization of child soldiers, the consequences of intimidation and re-armament of demobilized children, and demobilization activities of interest to foreign dignitaries. There are also memoranda on the demobilization process prepared by the Humanitarian Coordinator for the SRSG, the Senior Humanitarian Officer for the Humanitarian Coordinator, and by HACO staff for the Complex Emergency Division.
Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Office (HACO), Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Unit
The Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Unit supported humanitarian work carried out by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and international organizations.
The records of the Humanitarian Assistance Coordination Office consist of reports, meeting summaries, working papers, and memoranda. Included are reports detailing humanitarian assistance projects in Liberia and their policies; quarterly reports concerning the political climate, security, humanitarian advocacy, humanitarian field work, working relationships with partners, and lessons learned; assessment reports about Liberian counties’ humanitarian needs; and a report on internally displaced persons authored by the Refugee Policy Group, dated March 1997. Summaries of meetings with the United Nations Country Team, NGOs, and donors concern humanitarian need assessments, humanitarian projects, the political climate, and security.
Working papers in the files focus on internally displaced persons and the relationship between agencies involved in humanitarian coordination. There are also memoranda concerning the role of HACO and the funding and logistics of humanitarian projects exchanged by the Humanitarian Coordinator; representatives of NGOs, United Nations agencies, the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS); and leaders of warring factions. Additionally, there are: minutes of meetings of the Programme Compliance and Violations Committee, which investigated violations of international standards of conduct, human rights, and principles and protocols for humanitarian operations; and investigation reports of security incidents concerning sporadic fighting, looting, and harassment, as well as restrictions of humanitarian aid workers’ freedom of movement and access to civilian populations.
Records relating to bridging projects, the initial reintegration projects for demobilized soldiers, include terms of reference and minutes of meetings of the Task Force on Bridging Operations. Meeting minutes of the Task Force concern the projects of the agencies and NGOs in attendance. Also present are project proposals and updates; working papers on the transition to the next phase of reintegration; and guidelines for the funding of projects.