"The functional description of records in AG-069-003 is derived from EOSG001 of the retention schedule of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG), dated 2011. The records found in AG-069-003 are primarily from the central files of the EOSG and contain correspondence; reports; statements; speeches; agendas; minutes and notes of meetings; invitations to events, conferences, and meetings; talking points; and trip books and itineraries. AG-069-003 consists of: S-1942 - Secretary-General's Trips S-1943 - Secretary-General's Activities S-1948 - Personnel (2007-2015) S-1951 - Secretary General Personal S-1953 - Secretariat Departments (2007-2010) S-1955 - Issues (2007-2010) S-1956 - External Relations (2007-2010) S-1957 - Inter-Agency Relations (2007-2010) S-1959 - Executive Office of the Secretary-General (ESOG) - Central Files (2011-2016)"
The function description of records in AG-069-001 is derived from EOSG002 of the retention schedule of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG), dated 2011. The sub-fond contains records such as correspondence; reports; statements; speeches; agendas; minutes and notes of meetings; invitations to events, conferences, and meetings; talking points; and trip books and itineraries. AG-069-001 contains the following series: S-1893 - Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro's Activities S-1894 - Deputy Secretary-General Asha-Rose Migiro's Trips S-1944 - Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson's Trips S-1945 - Deputy Secretary-General Jan Eliasson's Activities
Sin título"The function description of records in AG-069-002 is derived from EOSG003 of the retention schedule of the Executive Office of the Secretary-General (EOSG), dated 2011.The sub-fond contains records such as correspondence; reports; statements; speeches; agendas; minutes and notes of meetings; invitations to events, conferences, and meetings; and talking points. AG-069-002 contains the following series: S-1941 - Chef de Cabinet Vijay Nambiar's Activities (2007-2012) S-1954 - Chef de Cabinet Susana Malcorra's Activities (2012-2015)"
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