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MHCR/48/66/Rev.1 - Background Paper on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
MHCR/48/66/Rev.1 - Background Paper on the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Displaced persons - list of files
Displaced persons - list of files
Committees - CFC(49)1-5 Committee on Financial Control (No. 5 Missing)
Committees - CFC(49)1-5 Committee on Financial Control (No. 5 Missing)
UNRRA - 4670 Soup kitchen operated by government for the very poor in Warsaw, Poland
UNRRA - 4670 Soup kitchen operated by government for the very poor in Warsaw, Poland
Greece - Kavalla Hospital, May 1945
Greece - Kavalla Hospital, May 1945
Greece - Port of Kavalla - transshipment of wheat
Greece - Port of Kavalla - transshipment of wheat
Greece - This is a workman's train at Kilo 28 on the Piraeus-Salonika railway, being rebuilt by UNRRA
Greece - This is a workman's train at Kilo 28 on the Piraeus-Salonika railway, being rebuilt by UNRRA
Yugoslavia - A truckload of Yugoslav refugees leaving UNRRA's Egyptian desert camp, El Shatt, to settle in the United States
Yugoslavia - A truckload of Yugoslav refugees leaving UNRRA's Egyptian desert camp, El Shatt, to settle in the United States
Yugoslavia - Returning El Shatt Refugees
Yugoslavia - Returning El Shatt Refugees
Yugoslavia - Returning El Shatt refugees - reunion scenes
Yugoslavia - Returning El Shatt refugees - reunion scenes