S-1824 contains records concerning police support provided to the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force (UNPREDEP).
Civilian Police Support
Civilian Police Support were deployed in the border areas of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) to monitor the work of the Macedonian border police. Civilian Police Support also conducted community patrols and liaised with local police.
Included are daily, weekend, and weekly situation reports consolidating information from the following Civilian Police Support stations: Station Skopje, Station Ohrid and Station Tetovo. Situation reports contain information gathered from border patrols regarding: shootings and sporadic firing; discoveries of smuggling; black marketing; and illegal border crossings. Situation reports also cover: demonstrations and hunger strikes held by civilians; visits to refugee camps and movements of refugees; and proceedings of the trial of Gostivar mayor Rufi Osmani held in September 1997, which was prompted by violence resulting from a flag-raising incident in July.
Also detailed in the situation reports are meetings conducted by Civilian Police Support. Meetings with chiefs and deputy commanders of local police concern such topics as: border incidents; local criminal activity; and the organization and administration of local police. Meetings with members of political parties primarily concern the controversial issue of the public raising of the Macedonian, Albanian and Turkish flags. Meetings with mayors concern such issues as: local business and economic conditions; local strikes; drug use; infrastructure challenges; attitudes toward CIVPOL and UNPREDEP’s presence; alleged government hostilities against the ethnic Albanian population; the difficulty of obtaining citizenship papers; and the activities of Roma.
Monthly situation reports, which were prepared by Civilian Police Support teams in Ohrid, Skopje, and Tetovo, detail: cooperation between CIVPOL and the Macedonian police; the professionalism of the Macedonian police; meetings with police chiefs; and incidents, crime trends, and prison visits.
There are also reports about villages visited by Civilian Police Support from Station Gostivar, Station Skopje, Station Ohrid and Station Tetovo. Most profiles are of villages located near FYROM’s borders with Albania and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY). Village profiles document repeated visits to villages from 1993 to 1999. Information was gathered through observation and from conversations with village mayors, shopkeepers, farmers, and other residents.
Village profiles provide population figures and percentages of the ethnic makeup of villages, including figures on the following groups: Macedonian Orthodox Christians, Macedonia Muslims, Albanian Muslims, Turks, Roma, and Vlachs. Also noted are: comments about the crime rate; observations about population loss and the abandonment of villages during the winter months; and figures on unemployment and overseas emigration from villages. Details about infrastructure pertain to: plumbing; electricity; telephone lines; conditions of village roads; waste collection; and the functioning of wells and villagers’ access to potable water. Notes about village elementary and secondary schools mention class size, condition of facilities, and language used in instruction (Macedonian, Albanian or Turkish). Also noted are figures about refugees from Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, and Kosovo residing in villages, and details about medical services available to and humanitarian assistance needed by villagers.