Affichage de 27 résultats

Description archivistique
S-0794 · Série organique · 1990 - 1993
Fait partie de United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) (1992-1993)

Series contains letters, memoranda, cables, faxes, meeting minutes, press releases, agreements and reports concerning a variety of topics, including but not limited to, refugee repatriation, rehabilitation, travel, visitors, UNTAC structure, political parties, political climate, the Cambodian constitution, civil administration, human rights, UNTAC's military component, elections, humanitarian organisations in Cambodia, and UNTAC radio. Records are arranged by subject classification number, and chronologically therein.

Title based on series contents.

S-0795 · Série organique · ? - 2003
Fait partie de United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) (1992-1993)

Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, and meeting minutes relating to the functions of the Deputy Special Representative of the Secretary-General. Series is arranged by subject classification number in this order: chronological files; country correspondence; and records pertaining to the following subjects: civil administration, provincial offices, action cells, Secretary-General's reports, electoral component, Economic Adviser's office, Supreme National Council, human rights component, information/education component, repatriation, legal, military, civilian police, and political parties.

Title based on series contents.

Office of the Political Adviser
S-0797 · Série organique · 1991 - 1994
Fait partie de United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) (1992-1993)

Series contains subject and chronological files of Mr. A.H.S. Ataul Karim, the political adviser to Mr. Yasushi Akashi, UNTAC's Special Representative of the Secretary-General. Subject files pertaining to UNTAC functions are arranged by subject classification number in this order: political affairs, military, civilian police, civil administration, economics and rehabilitation, elections, human rights, and legal. Following are chronological files and, lastly, miscellaneous subject files.

Title based on series contents.

Records created and collected by Mr. Karim in his capacity as Chief Liaison Officer for the United Nations Advance Mission in Cambodia (UNAMIC) are located in series S-0993.

S-0798 · Série organique · ? - 2003
Fait partie de United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) (1992-1993)

Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, cables, faxes, minutes and reports grouped into one of three sub-series: rehabilitation, economic affairs, and financial matters. The second sub-series also includes videocassettes on related topics. Series is arranged by subject classiification number.

Title based on series contents.

Office of the Spokesman
S-0799 · Série organique · 1992 - 1993
Fait partie de United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) (1992-1993)

Series consists of records - chiefly daily press briefings and general correspondence - related to the primary functions of the Spokesman for the Special Representative of the Secretary-General. Records are arranged by subject classification number and chronologically therein.

Title based on series contents.

Security Planning Unit
S-0957 · Série organique · 1990 - 1994
Fait partie de United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) (1992-1993)

The Security Planning Unit was an office under UNTAC's Integrated Support Services, Division of Administration. Its primary function was to implement security and evacuation plans for UNTAC at the mission and provincial levels.

Series consists of records in the following order: security and/or evacuation plans for various regions and agencies; correspondence with UN agencies, NGOs, and UN Headquarters; records related to security incidents; records related to security coordination with the Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF); end of mission reports; records related to UNTAC withdrawal; UNTAC Property Survey Board cases; additional security & evacuation plans; annotated Phnom Penh maps; records related to the deployment of international polling station officers (IPSOs); and a sketch of Angkor Chum UNTAC compound.

Includes 2 maps, 1 drawing, and 1.79 MB of textual records and other material.

Contains cryptofaxes.


Local Committee on Contracts - Meetings
S-0958 · Série organique · 1991 - 1994
Fait partie de United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) (1992-1993)

The UNTAC Local Committee on Contracts (LCC), in coordination with the United Nations Headquarters Committee on Contracts, orchestrated the mission's contractual affairs.

Series contains UNTAC Local Committee on Contracts presentations, meeting minutes, meeting log book, registry book, and records related to LCC organisation. Series is arranged in the order stated, with the second group being further arranged by LCC meeting number, i.e. chiefly chronologically.

Title based on series contents.

Series contains confidential business information.

S-0959 · Série organique · 1992 - 1993
Fait partie de United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) (1992-1993)

The director of the Information/Education Division 1.) served as the Special Representative's senior advisor on information matters and 2.) oversaw the work of the Divisions' four principal units: Analysis/Assessment, Production, Dissemination, and Control (originally a part of Analysis/Assessment). The Analysis/Assessment Unit gauged Cambodians' perceptions of UNTAC and analysed the media of the Cambodian factions. The Production Unit operated Radio UNTAC, produced television programmes and dramas, and printed informational materials and graphics. The Dissemination Unit distributed print, video, and audio materials to their target audiences throughout Cambodia. Lastly, the Control Unit, in collaboration with UNTAC's Civil Administration Component, worked to ensure that Cambodian media encouraged a neutral political atmosphere.

Series consists of correspondence, reports, press briefings, and publications related to the functions of the Information/Education Division's director. Topics covered include the Supreme National Council, the Division's Analysis and Radio (Production) units, and Cambodia's political and social climate. Series is arranged by subject classification number.

Title based on series contents.

S-0960 · Série organique · 1992 - 1993
Fait partie de United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC) (1992-1993)

The Analysis/Assessment Unit of UNTAC's Information/Education Division was one of the Division's four principal units, the other three being Production, Dissemination, and Control (originally a part of Analysis/Assessment). The Analysis/Assessment Unit, composed mainly of Khmer-speaking staff members, travelled throughout Cambodia to gauge Cambodians' responses to UNTAC-produced materials and to assess general perceptions of UNTAC. Staff members also monitored the television programming, radio programming, and print materials of the Cambodian factions by completing media monitoring reports, which served as the chief sources of information for the Unit's English-language digests and analyses of Cambodian media.

Series chiefly contains media monitors' reports and digests/analyses of Cambodian media outlets, the former group of records primarily in Khmer, the latter exclusively in English. Series also includes daily press briefings from the UNTAC spokesman, miscellaneous records related to various Cambodian political factions, and records pertaining to other UNTAC components/units. Files at the beginning of the series are arranged by subject classification number. Digests/analyses, which are found toward the end of the series, are grouped by political faction or specific media outlet and arranged chronologically therein.

Title based on series contents.