Series consists of correspondence, cables, memoranda, movement orders, travel authorizations, reports, maps, referrals, airline tickets, administrative reports, Security Council resolution minutes, press releases, and press conference materials. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: travel of government officials; assault by gendarmes; Public Works Flood Relief; refugees; reconstruction/construction of infrastructure; agriculture; petrol supplies; renewal of visas; teachers; training of judges; transfer of vehicles; travel of family dependents; vaccinations; dental clinic; Red Cross programs in the Congo; distribution of milk; Austrian medical team; dental exams; dental bills; DDT stock for pest control; malaria; stolen equipment; police training; accomodations; air missions; political detainees; and language proficiency exams. Correspondents include S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; J. M. Marek, Administrative Officer; A.F. Akangay, Provincal Minister of Economic Affairs; S. Brzak, ONUC Civilian Affairs; J. Kelly, Assistant to Special Representative; S. Linner, Chief of Civilian Operations; A. Bronsema, Chief Finance Officer; M. Ledkie, Chief Finance Officer; H. Kaufmann, Chief of Mission, ONUC; J. Hobisch, Administrative Assistant; and C. Terenzio, Chief, UNESCO. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series consists of correspondence, minutes of staff conferences, incoming and outgoing cables, code cables, translations, drafts, reports, log sheets, audit reports, handwritten documents, and administration circulars. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: gasoline allocations; vehicle maintenance; military operations; military information and personnel; accomodations for UN personnel and civilians; black market activities; movement of refugees; refugee property; Dag Hammarskjold ceremony; scheme for protection and evacuation of refugees from Bukavu; food supplies and transportation. Correspondents include Mr. Khiary, Chief of Civilian Operations; Gen. Mac Eoin, Force Commander; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; E. Bellinger, Chief PX Officer; Nancy Osborne, Chief Personnel Officer; Charles Taff, Special Legal Advisor; Sture Linner, Officer-in-Charge, ONUC, Leopoldville; Ralph Bunche; R. Gardiner, Officer-in-Charge; and J. Rolz-Bennett, Civilian Affairs Officer, Elizabethville. Arranged chronologically.
Series consists of incoming and outgoing cables, telegrams, handwritten cables, lists of telegrams, memoranda, business cards, correspondence, passenger manifests, and situation reports. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: flooding of Congolese River; food transport and requests; burning of villages; UN personnel; visits by UN personnel; transport and storage of medicine; civil servants strike; rabies outbreak; repatriated refugees; finances; attacks on planters on plantations; agriculture project; attacks on UN staff; Red Cross; USSR states that it will not contribute funds to UN peace keeping operation in the Congo; air operations; beatings and arrests of three WHO doctors; and meteorological stations. Correspondents include R. Gardiner; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; S. Linner; Ben Twigt; A.C. Gilpin; Mr. Gauvreau, Chief, Personnel Office; Nancy Gray; S. Tselentis, Administrative Officer, ONUC; Thomas de Candia, Chief Finance Officer, Leopoldville; M.V. Beraud, Administrative Officer; E. Pokorny, Finance Officer; F.J. Tickner; John B. Saccheri, Engineer, Public Works Program, Stanleyville; W. Micuta; E. Esteban, Officer-in-Charge, ICAO, Stanleyville; and K.H. Englund, Chief Civilian Affairs Officer, Stanleyville. Arranged in general topical sequence, and therein chronologically.
Series consists of agreements, cables, interview transcripts, Security Council documents, General Assembly documents, charts, contracts, drafts, lists, handwritten notes, inventories, job descriptions, packing lists, letters, newspaper clippings, speeches, and reports. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: accommodations; airline tickets and refunds; personnel; theft of vehicles; famine relief; budget and finance; claims; equipment; UNTAB; UNDP Local Survey Board; experts; and Congo ethnic groups and tribes. Correspondents include S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer; Bibiano F. Osorio-Tafall, Officer-in-Charge; G. Wildman, Adminstrative Officer, Bukavu; Irene Lorenzo, Head, ONUC Claims Unit; Irene Lorenzo, Assistant Resident Representative; A.E. Saenger, Resident Representative; G.A. Beliard, Chief Budget Officer; George Lansky, Acting Chief, Field Operations Service, Office of General Services; C. Heinsius, Chief Communications Officer, TAB; James R. Brooks, Deputy Resident Representative; and J. Woods, Chief Transport Officer. Files are arranged alphabetically by subject. This series was formerly boxes S-0463-0949, S-0463-0950, S-0463-0951, and S-0463-0952. Date of establishment occurred on 14/07/1960 by Security Resolution 143 (1960). The date of dissolution was 30/06/1964.
Series consists of correspondence, monthly reports, tables, telegrams, incoming and outgoing cables, code cables, memoranda, minutes, reports, journals, press clippings, maps, business cards, itineraries, and blueprints. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: agricultural advisory service; meteorology services; postal operations; telecommunications; educational services; monetary council; public finances; economic analysis; health services and training; mining and natural resources; police; public administration; public works programs; and social affairs. Correspondents include S. Habib Ahmed, Chief of Civilian Operations; A.C. Gilpin, Deputy Chief, Civilian Operations; M.D. Chaturvedi, Chief, FAO Mission; James R. Brooks, Deputy Chief, Civilian Operations; Godfrey K. J. Amachree, Under-Secretary in Charge of Civilian Affairs in the Congo; Carey Seward, Chief Administrative Officer; J.M. Correa, Chief, ICAO Mission; J.W. O'Bryne, Chief, WHO Mission; Cyrille Adoula, Prime Minister of the Republic of the Congo; Dr. Ralph Bunche, Under-Secretary in Charge of Congo Civilian Affairs; B.F. Osorio-Tafall, Chief of Civilian Operations; and Gustav Cederwall, Controller of Public Finance. Arranged in filing number order.
Series documents ONUC's role as part of the UNTAB Counterpart Fund Committee. Records include correspondence, minutes, and associated types such as photographs, maps, vouchers, charts, news clippings, building blueprints, and diagrams. Projected documented include construction of secondary schools, National Telecommunications School, street construction, sanitary work, budget plans, meterology stations, road building and reconstruction, telecommunications, national education, surveys of roads, etc. Correspondents include: James R. Brooks, Deputy Chief, Civilian Operations; G.K.J. Amachree, Under-Secretary in Charge of Congo Civilian Operations; Eugene Adoboli, Programme Officer, Civilian Operations; Y. Yassir, Chief Finance Officer; H. Pichler, Chief Budget Officer; M. Larcher, Senior Consultatant, Office of Public Works; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief of Civilian Operations; Stuart T. Baron, Director, AID, Counsel of Embassy for Economic Affairs; and Vincent W. Brown, Assistant Director, US AID. Arranged alphabetically by subject.
Series consists of correspondence, incoming and outgoing cables, memoranda, administration circulars, diagrams, instructions, airlift demand sheets, flight plans, minutes of meetings, weekly reports, cross reference sheets, reports, routing slips, summaries, annexes, aides memoires, procedures, tables, agreements, contracts, job descriptions, request forms, press clippings, leases, drafts, insurance plans, claims, and handwritten notes. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: travel and transportation; arrivals and departures; local transportation; bridges; airlifts; aircraft traffic control; diplomatic clearance; emergency evacuation; accomodations; equipment and supplies; property accountability; contracts; food supplies; postal services; library services; plane crashes; mine clearance; ONUC hospital; and ONUC local claims board. Correspondents include B.E. Urquart, Assitant to the Special Representative of the Secretary-General; Carey Seward, Acting Director, Office of General Services; Andrew Cordier; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief Administrative Officer, ONUC; Ralph J. Bunche, Special Representative of the Secretary-General; Frank Norman, Acting Chief, ITU Mission; Stephan Landau, Chief, Special Claims Unit; Jacques Schoellkopt, Chief, Civilian Personnel; and C. Taff, Special Legal Advisor. Arranged in filing number order.
Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, notes, lists, handwritten documents, drafts, statements, tables, information circulars, business cards, programs, translations, drawings, diagrams, seminar discussions, reports, brochures, contracts, application forms, job descriptions, itineraries, speeches, resolutions, questionnaires, maps, blueprints, appendices, laws, telephone directories, and field manuals. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: training programs to assist the government of the Congo; economic development plan; visits to various areas by civilian operations officials; import licences; food and agricultural assistance; fisheries; animal diseases; mineral resources; public works program; Tanganyika Lake; road, rail and river transportation systems; finance and trade institutions; investments; flood relief; budgets; economic survey; judicial system organizsation; organization of police; education system; social welfare; health needs; and bilateral programs. Correspondents include U. Thant, Secretary-General; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief, Civilian Operations; Max Dorsinville, Officer-in-Charge, ONUC, Leopoldville; S. Linner, Chief, Civilian Operations; James R. Brooks, Deputy Chief, Civilian Operations; A.C. Gilpin, Deputy Chief, Civilian Operations; Carey Seward; M.E. Larcher, Head, Public Works Program; Godfrey K.J. Amachree, Under-Secretary in Charge of Civilian Operations in the Congo; and G. Cedarwall, Public Finance Controller. Arranged in filing number order.
Series consists of correspondence, memoranda, cables, drafts, notes, circulars, handwritten notes, reports, translations, agreements, press clippings, press releases, minutes of meetings, business cards, aides-memoires, appendices, annexes, brochures, statements, rosters, invoices, and newsletters. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: education; health; donations of money and food; Famine Relief programme; UNICEF; Red Cross; medical teams; medical supplies; shelters; transportation of supplies; distribution of supplies; personnel; water supply; refugee camps; school feeding programme; World Food Programme; UN cemetary; community development; resettlement of refugees; evacuation of refugees; and budget. Correspondents include Ralph Eckert, UN Food Relief Coordinator; Malcolm Leckie, Chief Finance Officer; J. Amonoo, Deputy, Civilian Operations Officer; S. Habib Ahmed, Chief, Civilian Operations; Max H. Dorsinville, Officer-in-Charge, ONUC; B.E. Urquhart, Principal Officer, OUSSPH; S. Linner, Chief, Civilian Operations; and B.F. Oserio-Tafall, Acting Officer-in-Charge, ONUC. Arranged in filing number order.
Series consists of correspondence, statements, reports, minutes of meetings, cables, code cables, draft reports, contracts, translations, surveys, handwritten notes, aide-memoires, press releases, press conference materials, press clipplings, publications, speeches, interviews, radio programmes, and maps. Subjects include but are not limited to the following: radio equipment problems; dissemination of information to the public; visual matarials generated for release to the public; relations with radio network stations and organizations; UN Day; and public relations activities. Correspondents include: Ralphe J. Bunche, Under-Secretary for Special Political Affairs; M.P. Chevalier, Chef de l'OPI; Max Dorsinville, Officer-in-Charge, ONUC, Leopoldville; Subhash C. Rashi, Acting Administrative Officer; and Konstantine Smirnov, Deputy-Director, Exernal Relations Division, Office of Public Relations. Arranged in filing number order.