Original Caption: Indian Delegates arrive for United Nations Security Conference San Francisco: L to R; seated-Sir V.T. Krishnamachari, representative of Indian States; Sir Ramaswami Mudalier, Leard of delegation, supply member Viceroy's Executive Council and Sir Firoz Khan Noon, Defence member, Viceroy's Council, April 22, 1945
B&W print, original caption attached.
Original Caption: Canadian Delegation to the Conference in Session -- Members of the Canadian Delegation to the United Nations Conference meet in their San fRancisco Hotel Headquarters May 10 to hear Prime Minister W.L> Mackenzie King announce Canada's determination to exert every effor to bring the war against Japan to a successful conclusion. left Advisor; Sen Lucien Moraud, delgate; Escott Reid, First Secretary, Canadian Embassy, Washington; W.F. Chipman, Canadian Ambassador to Chile; Lester B. Pearson, Ambassador to Washington; Sen. J.H. King, Leader of thegovernment in the Senate; L.S. ST. Laurent, Minister of Justice and Attoryney General, Delegate; Prime Minister King; Gordon Graydon, Delegate; M.J. Coldwell, delegate; Mrs Cora T. Casselman, Delegate; Jean Desy, ambassador to Brazil; H.H. Wrong, Advisor; L. Raminsiky, Advisor; L.D. Wilgress, Amabassador to Russia; Maj. Gen. M.A. Pope, Advisor. May 10, 1945.
B&W print with original caption
Original caption: San Francisco, CAlif.... General view of the steering committee of the United Nations Conference on th international organization, meeting int he vetrans memorial building in San Francisco, May 8th ... Secretary of State, Steitinius presides at the head table. May 9, 1945
B&W print with caption attached.
Original caption: United Nations Security Conference: Sir A. Ramaswami Mudaliear leader of the Indian delegation at a press conference. May 17 1945
B&W print with original caption