Attached to the Office of the Director-General was a small staff of advisers in special fields, among them the 'Financial Adviser'. In the summer of 1946 the title of Financial Adviser was changed to 'Economic Adviser'.
Responsibilities of this Office included the following:
Analyzing and advising on the ability to pay of relief recipient countries.
Keeping informed on the economic and financial developments in recipient countries.
Advising the Administration with respect to the broad policies or the conditions of use of the Administration's financial resources.
Outlining the Administration's policy with respect to the economic and financial aspects of the distribution of supplies in recipient countries.
Advising the Administration concerning the economic sections of other international organizations and performing liaison with such agencies where appropriate.
Attached to the Office of the Director-General was a small staff of advisers in special fields, among them the 'Financial Adviser'. In the summer of 1946 the title of Financial Adviser was changed to 'Economic Adviser'.
Responsibilities of this Office included the following:
Analyzing and advising on the ability to pay of relief recipient countries.
Keeping informed on the economic and financial developments in recipient countries.
Advising the Administration with respect to the broad policies or the conditions of use of the Administration's financial resources.
Outlining the Administration's policy with respect to the economic and financial aspects of the distribution of supplies in recipient countries.
Advising the Administration concerning the economic sections of other international organizations and performing liaison with such agencies where appropriate.